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Anthurium Amigo

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added by Sierra


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Variety Information

Color : Obake
General Comments: - Red/Green Obake available in Medium, Large and Premium Grades.

Edit Florist & Wholesaler Information

Florist & Wholesaler Information

  • An extremely long lasting Tropical flower with a vase life from 15 to 30 days ( mini and small grades tend to have a shorter vase life)
  •  Florist size trays are increasingly popular in the distribution chain.
  •  Anthuriums can be shipped in larger Bulk pack or Florist trays . While Florist trays are a little more expensive, they offer a better presentation and reduce the risk of damaging the product when it is unpacked.
  •  Must not be exposed to temperatures below 15 degrees celsius or blooms will blacken.
  • - Extreme care while unpacking is important to avoid creasing or bruising.
  •  High humidity or regular misting is important for optimal storage.

Care and Handling Tips:
After stems are purchased and brought home, 2cm should be cut from the base of the stem with a sharp knife - if possible while the stem is submerged in water - then place the stems in a vase. Blooms should be kept away from direct sunlight and heat sources. They will last longer at cooler room temperature, but will suffer from cool drafts. 

Grading Information

  • Extra Large 45 cm stem minimum , spathe 16cm width by 14cm length
  • Large 45cm stem minimum - spathe 15cm width by 12cm length
  • Medium 40cm stem minimum - spathe 12cm width by 10cm length
  • Small 40cm stem minimum - spathe 10cm width by 10cm length
  • Mini 30cm stem minimum - spathe 8cm width by 8cm length

Grower and Breeder Information

  • Proper packing for export is critical to avoid damage in transit.
  • Blooms should be individually protected with plastic wrap to protect blooms and maintain humidity.
  • Anthurium being shipped to North America should be packed in insulated boxes during the winter months.
Sierra Flower Finder is dedicated to the professional floral community by Sierra Flower Trading. Through this collaborative site, we are creating the opportunity for breeders, growers, wholesalers and florists to share their knowledge and passion for the incredible diversity of flowers that make our industry so unique.